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Foster Application

Become a Foster

No experience is needed to become a foster, but we do have some guidelines:

  • You must be at least 21 years old to become a foster

  • Foster pets are the property of Whiskers in the Wildflowers until the adoption process is completed and the adoption fee is paid

  • While Whiskers in the Wildflowers takes reasonable care to screen animals for foster placement, it makes no guarantee relating to the animals' health or behavior. I understand that I receive foster animals at my own risk and do not hold Whiskers in the Wildflowers responsible for any property, Injuries, personal damage, or illness caused by Whiskers in the Wildflowers foster animals

  • Animals are indoors, a safe clean environment; a fenced-in yard; if applicable, able to care for animals in a multi-animal environment; a sterile area for animals with specific medical issues

  • The duration of foster time is at Whiskers in the Wildflowers' sole discretion

  • Veterinary care will be provided by Whiskers in the Wildflowers and all treatment (even for emergencies) must have prior approval from Whiskers in the Wildflowers’ Foster Care Coordinator

  • Whiskers in the Wildflowers will not be held liable or financially responsible for any damage or injury caused by the foster animal(s) to any property, any individual, or to any animal

  • Pet accessories may be loaned to you and will be returned to Whiskers in the Wildflowers upon the adoption of the animal

  • A foster animal can be returned to Whiskers in the Wildflowers if they are not a good fit for my household

Type of pet open to fostering

As a potential foster, I understand that I am committed to this animal for the time they are in my care and I agree to abide by the following conditions. For and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, this agreement by the potential foster as follows:

  • This animal is NOT an outdoor only animal. The animal must be indoor ONLY and only go outside for potty breaks and fun or exercise (unless otherwise stated by Whiskers in the Wildflowers).

  • I understand that Whiskers in the Wildflowers will tell me all medical, behavioral, habits, personality, etc. about the animal to the best of their ability, and if I have any further questions, concerns, or want/need advice about the animal I may contact the Foster Care Coordinator.

  • If you are unhappy with the animal in your home, Whiskers in the Wildflowers will accept the animal back into the rescue at ANY TIME. If Whiskers in the Wildflowers feels that the safety of the animal is in question we will contact authorities to retrieve the animal, with this signed contract in hand. I certify that the information I supplied in the application is true and I understand that providing false or misleading information may or will result in the nullification of this contract. I have read and understand all terms of this agreement. This agreement shall be binding upon the parties and their respective heirs, executors, administrators and assigns. By submitting this form you agree to aforementioned requirements.

  • You understand that it is Whiskers in the Wildflowers’ prerogative to decide which foster or adoptive home is most appropriate and that our decision is final. You understand that the animal(s) in your foster care belong solely to Whiskers in the Wildflowers. If you decide to adopt any animal(s) that you are fostering you must complete the Adoption Application and pay all associated fees.

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